Melton Mowbray
Child Contact Centre
Welcome to the Melton Mowbray Child Contact Centre. You will find us at Hope Centre. The Hope Centre has very kindly allowed us use of their premises, but that is where their involvement ends.
The rooms are warm and comfortable. There is plenty of space, comfortable chairs, toys and books. Refreshments are on sale at reasonable prices.
The most important people at the Centre are the children. It is very important for children to know and spend time with both parents. We understand that this might be a difficult time for you, but we will do all we can to help.
You might have some questions to ask. Those listed below are some of the ones that are asked most often. If there are others that we haven’t thought of please ask one of the volunteers.
How often can we come and how long can we stay?
This will be decided by you, the Court and other professionals involved. Use of the Contact Centre is a temporary arrangement and we will review the situation with you regularly.
We ask you to keep to the times arranged.
What if I can’t come?
If possible, please let your former partner know as soon as possible
Ask your solicitor to let the coordinator know
Write to the Coordinator c/o Hope Centre,42-44 Nottingham Street, Melton Mowbray, Leics.
LE13 1NW
Ring the Coordinator on 07522 297102
If it is a last minute problem ring the Centre on 07811 653774. (This is a mobile phone)
2. Can I take my children out? Will my children be taken from the premises?
If this has been agreed with your former partner beforehand there is no problem. If not, the children will stay on the premises the whole time
3. Do I have to meet or talk to my former partner?
Not if you don’t want to. Please make sure we know beforehand. This is not a place for negotiation. The centre will help families put into practice that which has been agreed somewhere else.
4. Can I bring my new partner?
Only if this has been agreed beforehand and is confirmed on the referral form.
5. What about other relatives?
If it has been agreed beforehand, with your former partner, you may bring the children’s grandparents or another close relative
7. Do I have to pay?
Only for drinks and snacks which will be available
8. Will any reports be made about me?
The Centre works on the basis of strict confidentiality. No reports are given to solicitors, courts, etc. but we do record your time of arrival and departure on our register and if we have reason to believe a child is at risk we have to take the necessary steps for its protection
9. Are there any rules?
Not many but it is important that you understand and keep to those we do have.
a) Parents are responsible for the supervision and welfare of their children while they are at the centre.
b) Children need a familiar face, so we ask you to stay with your child until your former partner arrives
c) Use of cameras or any recording device will not be allowed. If you wish to take photographs please check with a volunteer first.
d) No smoking, alcohol or being under the influence of drugs is allowed on the premises.
e) All mobile phones & electronic devices must be handed in upon entry to the centre & collect at departure.
Use of the centre will be withdrawn if the terms of the agreement are not honored, or if you are persistently disobey the rules.
We will do all we can to make your visits as pleasant as we can for you and your children, but if you feel there is anything more we could do please talk to one of the volunteers